My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat


Gosh, it feels like forever since I blogged. I guess all that shopping took it out of me. LOL Actually things have been busy around here and I had the best of intentions of blogging over the weekend but it just didn't happen. Since I last blogged, I have bought Halloween candy including extra bags because it is going to be a warmish night here and we are expecting lots of trick or treaters because of the unseasonably warm weather. I finished getting the last minute stuff for my own kids. DD is going to be a Spider Princess or Countess or whatever. Very cute. She didn't want a hat or wig or anything but she wants a spider painted on her cheek and we got the makeup for that. I will also attempt to get some red lipstick on her too. DS is going to be some type of goblin thing. His face will be white, his clothing black and he will have a hat and few other accessories.

They happily went off to school this morning and I know both of their classes will have Halloween parties and treats and whatnot. We are off tomorrow because of All Saints Day so I am expecting a late night. That will be good because they can get off their sugar highs. LOL I will get stitching in. LOL

Speaking of stitching, my CC showed my purchases from Silkweavers and Stitching Bits and Bobs. I will be waiting inpatiently for the mailman today in the hopes that one or maybe both of my packages appear.

I never stitched til yesterday and I managed a good portion on Rose. I am now below the half way point on one side of the chart and am now filling in the other side of the stem. It is looking great and you can even see the leaves and color changes. Here is my progress:

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I am so happy with how this is turning out. I have also been thinking about that dreaded R word (Rotation). There is so much I want to do and I tend to get overwhelmed with a rotation. So I am thinking about doing a daily or every couple day rotation. I was reading Cathy's blog and she wrote what I have been thinking about. I figure if I work on a couple designs a week but give them days, I won't get bored and I will have more things finished. Originally I was thinking of setting goals on my projects but that could take long as there are some nights I don't get to stitch. I think a daily type rotation will be doable and will start that in January. Til then, I am hoping to finish Rose, start the next flower panel and get some ornaments stitched and finished. In the next couple of weeks, I will be figuring what days I will work on what projects. So I figure for now, I will have fun til the end of the year and not stress over a rotation or finish or projects or whatever. After all, this is my hobby and stress reliever and it is supposed to be fun, not work!!

I best be getting along. I have things to do before it gets crazy around here after school. (Yes I am anticipating the sugar high THAT early)!!

Have a great day everyone!


Blogger Cathy said...

We thought we'd have a lot of trick-or-treaters as well, but it was really quiet here last night. I wonder if, since it was a school night, parents only let their kids do a few houses and go home. Anyway, I hope your kiddos got lots of goodies. Enjoy the day off today, I wish we had off!

7:48 AM  
Blogger Lana said...

Hi mia! Wow! It seems like everyone is trying ot figure out a rotation! I think about it quite a bit myself! good luck with yours! Just wanted to let you know that i love Rose! It is coming along VERY nicely! I enjoy your blog lots! Hope you had a great Halloween! and again, good luck with figuring out your rotation.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Judy said...

Rose is really coming along! Congrats!

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Mia,
the rose is turning out great! I just realised what a quiet life we live without the festivities you have to celebrate. no halloween, no thanksgiving, no christmas presents... but sinterklaas is almost starting (nov 12th) and that means 3 weeks of fun and a little stress.
good luck with all you're doing! but keep stitching on this one, it's just beautiful.

5:23 AM  

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