My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mid-Week Mumbles

Hmmmm...Wednesday!! Already the middle of the week. So far all is right in my world. Of course that is subject to change at any given moment but for right now, I am enjoying the day.

Before I get into day, DD came out of school with huge wavy hair. Yes the humidity got to it. No, I have no idea when her picture was taken. She didn't remember. LOL DS was fine, I guess. He didn't give me any commentary on getting his picture taken other than the teacher let them take off their sweaters (part of winter/formal uniform) after pictures. So he only had to wear the dreaded dress shirt and tie. LOL Right now, the boys are wearing their Fall uniforms which consist of golf shirt with school emblem and gray trousers. Winter/formal uniform is the gray trousers, white button down dress shirt, navy tie and navy v-neck sweater with school emblem. Our principal is letting them wear the fall/spring uniform for now because the weather is still warm and humid and the school is not air conditioned with the exception of a few classrooms, gym, auditorium and cafeteria.

Okay, enough of that. So far today I got dinner in the crock pot. YES!! I love meals that are already done. LOL It is a pot roast and is starting to smell very good. This one is a new (to me) recipe for the crock pot but if it tastes like it smells, it will be a winner.

I also did my volunteer stuff at school this morning.

I just got in and am still trying to decide what to do with the rest of my morning and afternoon. Probably same old boring household stuff. I am trying to stay on top of it and so far it is working. But then again this is only the 2nd week. Give it time and I will be back to my old ways in no time. LOL

Yesterday afternoon, I had to run to the grocery store and lo and behold they had the JCS ornie issue. I snatched it up and was a very happy shopper. There are a few that I would like to do but overall I feel the older issues have so many more ornaments that I like. I don't know if my tastes have changed or what. But maybe this time next year, I will be loving all the ornies in this issue. But for now I do have 3 or 4 that I really would like to do. Chances are when I go through it again, I may find more. This was just my initial review of the issue.

I also managed to stitch last night. Rose is coming along great and I promise to have a picture by Friday. I would have taken one today but the battery in the digital is charging and I know I will forget all about taking a picture in a short while once I get busy with other things. So you will have to wait til Friday to see my progress.

I am also almost 1/2 way finished with my next crochet square. It is #41-Fan and Popcorn. It is a pretty easy square with just two rows that you keep repeating. I should have that done either today or tomorrow. So maybe I will have another picture of afghan squares to show you. Right now I am aiming on making three and then showing my progress. So it is kind of motivating me to get 3 done a week.

Now that I have babbled on and on, I best be getting myself motivated to do some of the dreaded housework.

Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the JCS Ornie issue. I too only found 3-4 that I would actually stitch. I was very disappointed with this years issue. Seems, IMHO, that some designers didn't put thier hearts in it!!! Not to many designs for stitching an ornament for the children. :(

12:10 PM  

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