My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, August 01, 2005

New Beginning

Where the heck is the summer going? August 1 already. Sheesh!!! It seems like yesterday that I was counting down the days til summer vacation. Now here it is August and I am going to be spending many days this month getting them ready to go back in September. I have to tell you that I am so not ready for that.

Well here it is a new month. I haven't set any goals nor have I planned anything for the month ahead. I do have some stuff I want to accomplish this month but if it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done. This is also the anniversary month of my blog. It is so hard to believe that I kept up with it for this long. That is thanks to all of my wonderful new blogging friends. I love reading all about you and I hope you enjoy your visits to my blog even though most are pretty boring. I just write about whatever is going on.

Okay let's see...on the stitching front, I am so hoping to finish up the one side of the dragon and start work on the other side. I would be so happy if that really happens.

For Coffee, I am hoping that I will finish this page of the chart and start on the middle pages. It is a total of 9 pages of chart and I am almost finished the 3rd. It would be neat if I can start the next sections and that way, the design will really start looking like something more than borders and coffee beans and a little bit of steam peeking out of the blue.

I am starting to think about Christmas and I may pull out an ornament to do as something small. I don't know yet. I would love to do something for me, my friend Kim and my friend Stacy. We have really become close this summer and some days I don't know where I would be without them. As of this typing, I am watching S's youngest (7 months) while she took her oldest (3 yo) for a speech evaluation. This little boy is the sweetest thing. He so reminds me of my two when they were that little. He was napping but just now opened his eyes. So cute!! Okay, back to K and S. I know they would appreciate something stitched as they both scrapbook and K even crochets. S wants to learn crochet and K wants to learn CROSS STITCH!!! I couldn't believe my ears when she asked on Friday night. I am more than happy to oblige because they are going to help me scrapbook.

Okay back to what I want to scrapbooking, I would love to get started on a few pages when my stuff comes in. I did buy some things on Saturday and S and K are going to help me redo that first page I did. After seeing some of the stuff out there, I want to do a background of sorts. We are going to try to do it once a month while the boys are watching football.

I also plan on getting back with my crochet by the end of the month. I pulled it out to show my friends on Friday and figured I will try to get back to some squares this month.

We have lots of parties and whatnot planned so my goal is to try to organize my house as best as possible so it remains neat. I also want to stay on top of the laundry so that I can spend some guilt free times at parties and so on. We are also trying to plan a weekend away to the shore with the kids. We have maybe 2 whole weekends between now and September to do that and we figure they would be the best times.

Then I also plan on getting the kids' school stuff together as soon as possible. Last year I was scrambling and was even out the first few days of school trying to gather stuff together. Not fun and I don't want to be there again this year.

So there you have. Will I accomplish it? I don't know. Will I fret about it if I don't? No way. I just figure now is a good time to try to start organizing myself because in another month, I will have no choice but to be back in a routine and schedule and such. I will just enjoy doing the things I want to do this month while doing the chores that are not so much fun.

Have a great day everyone!!!


Blogger Judy said...

Wow - now I am motivated to get my stuff in gear and get myself going for August! Good luck with your goals...I'm going to make some for myself (but I probably won't publish them - too much pressure from my MIL since she reads my blog!).

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our youngest kids are going back to school the 15th, so that's pretty fast. the two older children have one week longer.
great that your friend want to learn cross stitch. maybe she'll be hooked too... it's great sharing hobbies!

2:23 PM  

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