My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Miss Me??

Well, did ya?? After my last post, well actually before, DH and I decided to head down the shore (New Jersey beaches) for the weekend for DD's birthday. We did not have actual reservations so I had reservations about even going. Well good things come to those who wait. My dear friend S called to see if we made reservations. We tried but got a bunch of No Vacancies. She said "No worries". You see, she was also going down the shore with her DH and kids and her parents as they have a home at the shore. Her parents weren't going and said we were more than welcome to stay with them. Boy did we jump on that offer and we were oh so grateful to know we had a place to stay. I spent the day running around like a chicken without a head and by dinner time we were on our way to the shore.

We had a great weekend and even though the weather was oppressive in my neck of the woods, it was beautiful at the shore with the ocean breeze. We had a ton of fun and I so didn't want it to end Sunday evening. Well it didn't. The DHs had to go home Sunday evening after dinner. While we were on the beach, S said she wanted to stay an extra day or two. I had no plans and she said why don't we stay. So the kids and I stayed. We originally were going to come home today but the weather changed and it rained Monday evening and into yesterday. So we came home last night. We had a ton of fun on the boardwalk and beach and my kids even won some of those carnival games. It was a great time but I am exhausted.

It felt great last night to take a shower in my own bathroom and to sleep in my own bed. I sure do miss it when I am away. Now I have a ton of stuff I need to get done. I hate that part of having a vacation. I need to unpack and stuff the washer and dryer all day and I need to put everything else away in preparation for DD's Build-a-Bear birthday party on Saturday. But it will get done.

I did bring my stitching but didn't even pick it up for the weekend. There just wasn't time but the time spent was well worth it and the kids and I and even DH when he was there had a blast. I am happy it worked out this way as we couldn't make vacation plans because DH's vacation time has not kicked in yet. So we more or less had a great mini-vacation and I feel so great that I was away. I didn't realize how stressed out I had become this summer til Friday night when I was relaxing with friends without a care in the world.

For today I have some running around to do along with the laundry and the putting away of suitcases, but it will be a laid back kind of summer day here. I also need to prepare something for dinner. What? I have no idea but I am sure I will come up with something. I also want to stitch a bit. I did last night and hopefully will have a progress picture of something this week.

I gotta get moving to get the washer and dryer going.
Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your weekend away sounds wonderful Mia! Glad you had a good time and a bit of R&R - I can't wait for our own holiday :)

7:41 AM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wow, what a weekend! Glad you had such a nice time. When does school start for yours?

11:26 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

I missed you Mia - I was starting to get a little worried so I'm gald you were away having a wonderful time at the beach!

11:27 AM  
Blogger Billie said...

I missed you, Mia! I'm new here, but I've been reading for the past week and finally got around to posting. I'm glad you had a nice time away from home with your family and friends. Sounds like you deserved it.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great that you had the chance to go away for a couple of days. I love the beach and it's very healthy for the children too. And being away from home gives you instantly the feeling as it should: no worries.
good luck with unpacking and laundry...

6:23 AM  

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