Ho Hum Housework
I still can't get used to this darn time change. Yesterday flew on by and then as tired as I was I couldn't fall asleep. This morning I wanted to throw the alarm clock out the window. :)
On the bright side, it is absolutely gorgeous here today. Our highs are going to be close to 70 F and it is bright and sunny and I have opened one window to air out the house. After I send this and start my stuff, I will open up all the bedroom windows. I had them opened one day last week and I loved the fresh air smell. It really is a mood lifter this time of year when we are on the brink of spring weather.
I have mega stuff to do and it seems I am going in circles. Yesterday I did manage to finish writing all of the invites for DD's Communion party. I will mail them some time today. I have to go through my junk/paperwork section of the kitchen and I have to try my hardest not to let it pile up again. It wouldn't if my kids didn't bring home moutains of paperwork each week. I also need to get the laundry started that I didn't do yesterday. I feel so overwhelmed and am trying my hardest to focus on one thing and move on. It is so hard and I think it has to do with us moms multitasking all the time. I move from thing to thing and by the end of the day I may still not have one thing completely done. With the upcoming Communion and then Confirmation I need to complete things and move onto the next task. Then maybe, just maybe, I will be able to stay on top of it.
DH talked to the excavator and he is supposed to come on Thursday. He better as we are expecting more rain on Friday. Of course that doesn't help the concrete guy but at least the footers can be poured around the patio area. DH is also working on our powder room again. This is a project that should have been done but of course, DH procrastinated a bit. It is not like him and I try not to get frustrated but I want our powder room done and over with. We ordered the sink and it should arrive within 10 days. He needs to make the cabinet and we need to get the faucet and order the toilet. Of course, i picked one out months ago and haven't changed my mind on it and he can order it now. Of course, he didn't. Then there is lighting and tiles to pick out. Those are toughies for me because I can see an image in my mind but can't find the right ones. Hopefully I will find them if we are out and about this week. It probably won't be done before the Communion but we do have two other bathrooms in this house and we can just put the tarp back up on the work in progress. I guess I am just stressing a bit and it is so unnecessary because it is out of my control. It will get better and I am trying today to stay positive about it. I am much better than I was over the weekend so I guess I am taking my advise.
In stitching/crocheting news, I almost finished square #9 of the CAL. I started the border but on the wrong side so I ripped it out this morning and should have it finished this afternoon. I will try to post a pic of it tonight.
Last night by the time I got to sit down and work on Coffee, I managed all of a dozen stitches. Really!! I counted them. Hopefully tonight I will get to stitch some more on it. I really want the top section of this done. I wanted to go back to the dragon but I would like to see the whole top section of Coffee finished and besides I really am liking the colors of this one. I guess I am reverting back to my one at a time stitching. I am sure it is temporary because I do accomplish lots when I rotate. Considering what I rotate is small I do see progress and finishes so maybe I will get back to that by summer.
I best be getting along for now. I still need to try and do my hair and makeup. I also need to get the washer and dryer to do its jobs.
Have a great day everyone!!

Have you heard of www.flylady.net? It can really help with the housework and makes you feel like you've gotten something accomplished, even if it is only fifteen minutes a day. I sort of follow a modified version of her way of cleaning. I don't really have much clutter (other than toys) and so can't to the decluttering all the time, but some of the other ideas help. Just a suggestion!
I've tried flylady once, but just reading it made me awfully tired LOL. I guess I'm not that organized and start feeling guilty. Maybe I'll try it again though, now when DD is older and already has a good rythm.
Wow, Mia, you've been so busy in the last time, I hope things will slow down a bit for you soon. Still it's great progress on coffee and CAL.
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