Ahhhhh Spring....
It has been a great couple of days here. I have had windows opened and have spent time outside. It has been great seeing neighbors you haven't seen because of the cold and then the rain that started Spring. Even my mood is better. It is amazing what the sun and warmer temperatures can do for the soul.
It helped the other day to get some venting out in my blog entry. It kind of put things in perspective for me and of course the weather helped even more and then there is my friend K. Last night we sat outside on her patio with a glass of wine til 9:30. Not good for a school night as the kids were playing in her backyard and of course needed showers, but it was refreshing and made me realize that sitting and talking was what I have been needing lately. Not that I don't talk to anyone, it is just that it has been a long time since I had a friend like K. We only met last August shortly after I moved here and not even a year later, we finish each others sentences. Our DHs remark that we are so much alike that it is scary at times. LOL I guess K and I can keep our DHs on their toes. I am grateful for her friendship and we are so looking forward to spending lots of time with each other and our families. In fact, her DH asked her to ask me to go on a vacation together if we can do it financially. How cool is that!!! This won't happen til next year but it will be nice if it works out for us. Our girls are best friends already and even DS played with the girls last night. All around it was a great couple of evenings.
Today I am busy but in a good way. I am going to be lunch mother for the 4th and 7th grade. Hopefully I will see my two kids in between the changing of lunch classes. Also this is the first time for me to do 4th and 7th grade so hopefully I will do it right. LOL
Of course I have tons of housework to do but it will get done. In answer to Cathy's comment, yes I have done FlyLady and still do some of it. That is why the clutter in ONE area. I let myself have that and I try to keep it under control but I blame my kids. These kids bring home so much paperwork and I get lazy with having to read it all. LOL But for the past two days I have been great. I read it right away and trash it if I don't need it. If I do need it, I address it and send it right back to school with them. Hopefully I will be able to keep this up. I did learn to straighten rooms as I leave them in the morning. I still do and I guess it has become habit. And I do have clutter with toys and such, but I have two kids and kids need to play.
I haven't stitched on Coffee since the dozen or so stitches I did the other night. Hopefully tonight will be different as I really want to stitch. In CAL news, I am almost done Square #9. I did have it done but when I added the border it came out to 9 inches. Way too big. I switched to a G hook and while the gauge is just under 7 inches, it will work out to the size of my other squares. I should have it finished today and hopefully can start Square 10. After #10, I am going to try to piece together 7-9 as they are in a row in the first column. I will see how that goes.
I better get my act together. I didn't realize I was going to be so chatty.
Have a great day everyone!!

Can't wait for the next coffee update! It's coming out gorgeous!!!
There is nothing better than a good friend who really "gets" you. Your coffee design is looking great, as are all your afghan squares. You are putting me to shame.
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