December Already?
December 1 already. According to a certain Kiwi's blog, there are 23 sleeps til Santa. Looking at the calendar, there are only 30 more days til the end of the year. Winter will "officially" start in three weeks. Advent started Sunday. Gosh so much happening in one little month or time of the year. But December is my favorite month. I may complain about the baking, cleaning, decorating, entertaining, shopping, wrapping, etc. but I wouldn't trade it for anything. The look on my kids' faces is priceless when we are doing things together. I may get frustrated but they will only be little for so long. Gosh, DS is 11 and my little man. But he still enjoys doing things with me. I know those days are numbered so I cherish every one of them. So with that said, let's move on.
This morning I got to thinking about what I accomplished this year. This year was another one of those years. I pray for a very boring 2005. 2003 and 2004 are not at all what I wanted or expected. I won't go into it here because it is a real downer. My life is good and that is what matters along with the health and happiness of my family and myself.
This year just flew on by. The move had so much to do with that. In 14 days on December 15, I will be in this house 6 months. It seems like yesterday that we were living amongst boxes. So I guess turning this house into a home is a big accomplishment for 2004. DS is turning the corner in school and DH and I along with his teachers see the improvement. Thank Goodness for that because I thought I was the only one who saw it. It feels great to know the teachers are noticing too. One told me so yesterday. Whew, what a relief!! DD is making friends and everyone likes her. She has come out of her shell that she has lived in for so long. She is actually getting a little daring. Not too much, but it makes DH and I smile when we see her so excited about everything.
Last night we went to Barnes and Noble as our principal was reading to the children. Also, Barnes and Noble was giving a percentage of all sales last night to the school. So we went. DS even went but didn't want to sit with Sister Diane when she read. Fine by me. He was going along the shelves looking for books. He ended up with one and DD got 2. I of course got a few. I don't need an excuse to buy books but knowing part of my sale was going to my kids education was a great reason. It was a great night even though it was very crowded. I hope the school gets at least a couple hundred dollars from all the sales. You should have seen the lines after Sister read her stories.
I haven't stitched in almost 2 weeks. Not because I don't want to. It is because I have been so busy. So tonight I decided to pull it out and stitch to de-stress. I feel some stress with the holidays approaching but then again I always do. I just need to settle down and take a deep breath and tell myself it will all get done. It always does. I may just take a scan of my Coffee design to show you how far I have gotten. Speaking of stitching, I am already thinking of some stitching resolutions for the new year. I make them every year and it seems I always say I want to stitch more and that is about it. Last year I tried rotation and it didn't work. Maybe I will add that this year and stick to the RotationBB for the help and support that is always there. I will have to see about that. Maybe I will also try something new. I want to do a Christmas design (never did one, only a few orniess) I don't know. An upcoming blog entry will be my stitching resolutions and possible goals for the new year. I know I can do it. It is just making myself do it. I need to stop procrastinating and get more organized. Getting organized is always a resolution. I never make serious resolutions as I can't even keep the fun ones. LOL But maybe 2005 will see a change.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on the first day of December. With any luck, I will have the rest of my baking finished by the weekend and the inside of the house will be decorated. The outside looks awesome and I know next year will be better.
Have a great day everyone!!

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