My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Off to a Good Start

I just thought I would post an update to my day. I think for once this weekend is going to be a good one because...

1. The family room is officially fall cleaned. As of 2 PM, it was decluttered, cleaned, dusted and vacuumed.

2. DS's parent/teacher conference went awesome!! I really didn't expect it to be but his teacher who is a sweetheart and who will also be one of his teachers next year, really REALLY understands DS. She reminded me that he just turned 12 in July while a lot of his classmates have turned 13 since September 1. She said it will click. She told me the story of her middle child who sounds a lot like my DS. I wanted to cry that for once in the past 7 years of parent/teacher conferences that someone understands. I also needed to hear the gentle reminder that DS is a very young 7th grader and is doing well. A load was lifted off my shoulders. I have to reinforce a few study habits but that should be easy. :)

3. DD's conference went very well. DD's teacher told me she is quiet and polite and a joy to teach. She said she is doing very well in Reading. Of course, I knew that. :)

4. My order from Stitching Bits and Bobs came today. It came with a cute winter freebie. I forget the designer. I will fill you in tomorrow.

5. I will have some pictures tomorrow to show you.

6. As a reward for the kids doing well and much better than I expected, I am taking them out for breakfast and some fun errands and they will get a small reward at AC Moore!

For once, I am looking forward to a 3-day weekend. I didn't realize how stressed out I was getting over school stuff.

Now back to some more stitching. Have a great evening everyone!


Blogger Cathy said...

Enjoy your long weekend, Mia!

7:58 AM  

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