My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Random Mumblings

My thoughts and prayers are with those in Katrina's path. They just announced that the Superdome is not holding up very well with the high winds. For those who don't know, the Superdome is one of our sports arenas and it is shelter for many of the people who have been evacuated from the hurricane's path. Also the hurricane still hasn't reached the most populated areas but has caused devastation in the less populated areas since it hit land at 7:30 est this morning.

This post is probably going to be lots of stuff as I couldn't decide on what I actually wanted to blog about. LOL

First off, the weekend...
It was fun. We went to our oldest nephew's college graduation party on Saturday night. It was great. My sis in law and bro in law really know how to throw a party. There had to be over 80 people there.

Yesterday we had DH's cousin and his wife and kids over for dinner. They wanted to leave by 8 to get home and here it was 11 before they did. Again a fun time.

Now onto the random stuff...
10 days til school starts. On Friday evening I managed to get both kids their school shoes and DD her gym sneakers. I still need to get her a backpack and blouses. DS needs to try on some stuff that a kind friend gave me as her son (one of DS's best friends) is going to a new school this year. I think they will fit. I sure hope so because that will buy me some time in getting to the uniform store. If all goes well, I can get to the uniform store on Wednesday and order anything that they may have run out of. I am just concerned with having him in full uniform for the first few days of school.

My finger is feeling a lot better but it is still useless. I haven't tried to stitch because of the busy weekend but I did try to crochet. It is slow going but I couldn't concentrate on the square and put it down. So at least I know I can do something.

I am thinking of a rotation of sorts but may put it on hold til after CATS. LOL If I post it, I will make sure I allow for a new start or two. Right now I am thinking of still doing the one hour thing with the dragon. With school starting I should be getting all chores and laundry done while the kids are in school and that will leave the weekend for me to stitch more than a few hours. The weekend may be for the pieces I want done quicker. I don't know. Like I said earlier, this is random mumblings and I am still trying to work out yet another new rotation.

For today, my plan is to strip beds and wash sheets and get DD's room in some sort of order. She also needs to finish thank you notes from her party. I also have general straightening to do which should not take a ton of time. Tonight's dinner is leftovers so I dont' have to worry about preparing anything.

I thought I had more to say but I guess I forgot. Have a great day everyone!


Blogger Judy said...

We're stripping beds and cleaning house today, too!

I hadn't heard about the Superdome - I knew they were using it as a shelter, but I didn't realize it was having some issues. On my way to read the news.

10:56 AM  

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