Getting Better...
Thank you for all of your kind comments on my finger. I know stitchers understand not being able to stitch. Anneke, you are right. If it was my foot, it would have been no big deal. I would still be able to stitch and limp. LOL
Anyway, moving finger is feeling much better today. I am actually typing with it and the throbbing and pain on the pad of my finger is gone. Of course, I am not going to press it or touch it but it feels pretty much normal today other than the lovely shades of blue and purple in my nail bed. With any luck, I will be able to get some stuff done today. I plan on taking it easy and doing the basics because I want this to heal in record time. It sucks not being able to use my finger but I do believe I will be able to stitch today.
Since this happened, I have only done about two loads of laundry and very minimal straightening. The kids have been great so today I don't have a lot to do but there is a little and I will get that finished in record time along with a quick vacuum.
Yesterday, DD's well child physical went great. She is still in the 25 percentile for height and 50 percentile for weight. She has been that way since birth and that makes me feel good. You see, I saw her chunking up a bit this summer and I don't want her to have weight problems like me later in her life. But the dr. said all is well and as long as she eats healthy and has just a little junk food and stays active, she should be fine. I admitted to the dr. that this summer has been lots of parties, bbqs, eating out, ordering in, etc. I told DH last night that when school starts, we go back to the way we normally eat which means me cooking 6 out of 7 days a week. Thank goodness I like to cook. It is just what to cook that is the problem. LOL
I also got weighed and I know I packed the pounds on this summer. Well I was quite surprised when I lost 5 1/2 pounds since June 22 (when DS had his physical). That made me very happy. Of course I don't know when I lost the weight, but it is a good feeling knowing the scale did not climb higher since June. It actually gave me greater motivation to try to watch what I eat and to lose some more weight. I need to lose at least 20 more pounds to be where I was a few years ago. Not easy but if I can take it off slowly, it will be good for me. I do know I have been increasing my water intake this summer and I hardly drink soda anymore. So between water and iced tea, I guess I am doing okay.
I never picked up a needle last night to try to stitch but maybe that was a good thing. I should be able to today and I will let you know how that goes. But again, I was in bed by 10 PM because of not being able to just sit and watch t.v.
After DD's dr. visit yesterday, I stopped at the grocery store for dinner and picked up the new Cross Stitcher (USA). After hearing Cathy's review of her newest issue, I picked it up and hopefully will have time to go through it today. I am getting in the mood for fall stitching or at least stitching more once the fall weather sets in. And it is feeling that way again today here. I am so loving the weather and being able to have the windows and doors opened to let in the fresh air. Don't get me wrong, I love my AC but I love the fresh cooler air better.
The past couple of days got me thinking about my stitching and how the heck I am going to get some finishes in or some ornaments done or whatever. As soon as I can get it straight in my head, I should be having a blog entry about what I want for the rest of the year. Til then, I will stitch whatever I want to.
I better get going and get some stuff done. I am anxious to get some stitching done this afternoon after my little bits of chores are finished.
Have a great day everyone!!
I'm glad your finger is a little better. I know you want your house cleaned well, otherwise I would tell you to give your finger a good time of rest! I think you can't enjoy sitting and stitching if your house is getting worse, so I hope you can use your hand normally soon. I should be glad to have a valid excuse to give the household a rest...
Glad you are doing better! It is amazing how much we rely on our fingers, isn't it???
Do you get the Kraft Food and Family magazine? It's free, you just have to go to the website to sign up and they'll send it to you. I've gotten a lot of easy recipes out of there. I always had problems figuring out what to make, too, but they have really easy stuff in there.
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